The Amazing Nikola Tesla

Jeion Ahmed
5 min readJul 23, 2022


Image from unsplash

If I say, one Nikola Tesla is enough to change the world, will you be surprised? Seeing an unrealistic machine in science fiction or movie, we sometimes start to think about the limitations of our real life. We don’t care about the sky there. Because we know, it is not possible in reality. But what is not possible for you is not possible for everyone. A person, for whom many things in the world are possible. Without it, the distribution of electricity to all, artificial earthquakes, artificial waves, etc. are the reality for which. He is Nikola Tesla. Whose thought beats our science fiction or movies.

Nikola Tesla was the most mysterious and amazing scientist in the history of the world. Who has modernized our world? But many of us do not know much about his discovery. He had more than 300 invention patents and his inventions were far more modern than those times which are considered modern even in the present era. He also had inventions that had the power to bring the world to the brink of destruction. But he destroyed those inventions for the sake of human welfare. He has made a place in the history of science as a person who is not known by many people. But whoever knows about him thinks he is the best. Because Nikola Tesla was the only scientist who created what he thought. That is why many called him the maddest scientist in history.

Birth, Childhood and Education of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla’s birth was mysterious. He was born mysteriously at exactly 12:00 PM between July 9 and July 10, 1856, in Croatia on a night of severe weather and lightning. So his date of birth is said to be 2. However, to avoid uncertainty, Wikipedia has written July 10 instead of July 9 and 10. People called him “Child of Darkness” because he was born in bad and terrible weather. But his mother said he would one day light up the whole world, so she called him “Child of Light”.

Tesla actually did that. His invention of AC electricity not only enlightened the whole world but also gave us a world of modern technological revolution. Through this, he will establish his contribution and partnership in each of the discoveries that will come in the world not only today but also in the future.

His father wanted Nikola Tesla to become a priest. He also sent to the priests. But after a few days, he got infected with cholera and survived the path of death. After that, the family planned to make him an engineer.

It was during his school and college life that he began to show the wonder of his talent. Big trigonometric calculus, he used to give the answer by thinking in his brain without a notebook pen. He was so brilliant that college teachers used to write letters to his father seeing his amazing talent.

While studying engineering, he had a disagreement with a teacher about something. Later he worked 18 hours a day in the lab to prove that his idea was correct. When this incident spread in the college, he became an even more amazing student to everyone. But the real wonder of his discovery had not yet begun.

Nikola Tesla arrived in America in 1884. Along with his identity card and a letter from someone to Thomas Edison that Nikola Tesla was told to deliver to Edison. In that letter it was written — I know two wise people in the world, one is you Edison and the other is Nikola Tesla standing in front of you.

AC and DC (Edison vs Tesla)

Edison hired Nikola Tesla to his company and promised him $50,000 to redesign the DC generator. Nikola Tesla worked hard to succeed. But Edison didn’t pay Nikola Tesla and said “It’s a Joke”. In the meantime, Nikola Tesla discovered the most amazing invention that changed the whole world. And that is AC electricity or alternating current.

With Edison’s DC electricity, people only thought about getting light. But people understand that everything is possible with the AC invented by Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla advised Edison to use AC instead of AC. But since DC current was Edison’s breakthrough invention, Edison was angry with Tesla’s proposal. At one time, Tesla separated from Edison’s company and established a new company called “Tesla Electric Company”.

Tesla Electric Company Logo

Tesla’s new company’s AC power soon became popular. Because AC was very powerful and available at a low cost. But it is only suitable for industrial use.

Meanwhile, Edison’s business with DC electricity is almost over. To stop Nikola Tesla, Edison brought dogs and cats from the homes of permanent residents and made camps on the streets, and killed them in front of the people with AC electric shocks. Convinced the administration to electrocute a death row convict as well.

These events created terror in people’s minds and led Edison Nikola Tesla’s company to extreme financial ruin once Nikola Tesla sold the AC electricity patent. He used $60,000 from the sale of the patent to fund new inventions.

But people later realized the need for AC power and a company assigned Edison’s Power Company to supply AC power to the entire city. This was extremely embarrassing for Edison. He said he would not. That is why the other shareholders of Edison’s company expelled Edison from Edison’s company.

Nikola Tesla Invention

The great scientist Nikola Tesla had more than 300 invention patents. Also, many invention patents were not accepted. After all, the discovery was his addiction. Some of his inventions are named-

AC current.


Remote, robotic, guided missile systems.

Wireless electricity.

Induction motor.

Tesla coil.


Violet ray.

neon lights

Wireless telegraphy.

Three-phase electric power.

Tesla turbine.

Tesla valve.

Vacuum variable capacitor.


Free energy.

Tesla Experimental.

Tesla’s Egg of Columbus.

Resonant inducing coupling.

Polyphase system.

Rotating magnetic field.

Radio control.

Plasma globe.

Thought camera.

Artificial waves.

Artificial earthquake machine.

Antigravity flying matching.

Each of Tesla’s inventions was a breakthrough. Among them were AC current, wireless electricity, earthquake machines, etc., inventions that, if implemented, would have made our world look different today.

Who knows, maybe you could charge your phone sitting in the car or office without any charger. These were the wonders of Tesla’s discovery. But an investor cannot implement his invention at will. What the business of the country demands at that moment, and what the businessmen are demanding is also a significant issue.

To read more articles like this, you can visit my website Engineers Tune. My Bengali website is podarthobiggan. Follow me on Facebook Jeion Ahmed and Linkedin Jeion Ahmed.



Jeion Ahmed
Jeion Ahmed

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